By FnF Correspondent | PUBLISHED: 10, Nov 2011, 18:19 pm IST | UPDATED: 10, Nov 2011, 18:24 pm IST
New Delhi: A multi-level parking lot is set to come up at the posh Khan Market. It is being billed as a permanent solution for congestion and acute lack of parking space in the area.
The Delhi High Court, hearing a parking row between New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) and Khan Market traders on Thursday directed the Land and Development Office (L & DO) to allot land for the project, submit a blueprint of the project in court within three months and begin the tendering process, as well.
The Khan Market Traders’ Association had been asking L&DO and NDMC to collaborate and provide the area with a much-needed parking space, for almost eight years.
The court directed construction of a multi-level parking after studying the site plan, in which the main market area and the places earmarked for parking — for traders as well as outsiders — had been clearly demarcated.
by : Priti Prakash
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