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Pregnant Michelle Heaton shows off her naked bump

By FnF Desk | PUBLISHED: 15, Nov 2011, 13:36 pm IST | UPDATED: 15, Nov 2011, 13:36 pm IST

Pregnant Michelle Heaton shows off her naked bump London: At seven months pregnant and you would think Michelle Heaton might have other things on her mind apart from Botox.

But the former Liberty X singer has revealed she can't wait to get back to regular treatments to tackle her 'frown line' which can't be administered during pregnancy.

The 31-year-old is due to give birth to her first child with personal trainer husband Hugh Hanley, 32, who she married in the Bahamas in July last year, in just eight weeks the Daily Mail reported.

She told Closer magazine this week: 'I’ve been having Botox since I was 28.

'If used correctly, it can make a huge difference. I can’t wait to have the baby so I can have it again.

'I have a big frown line in the middle of my forehead and I’m conscious it’s come back. I look angry all the time and it really upsets me!'

The 5ft 4 former pop-star turned personal trainer said she was initially panicking about losing her super-toned size eight figure when she discovered she was expecting.

She had slimmed down to 8st 3lbs from size 12 to 14 following months of rigorous exercise and healthy eating.

But now, as these photos prove, she admits she has finally come to terms with her growing curves.

However, she is not planning on abandoning her figure after the birth and wants to get back to her workouts as soon as she can.

She said: 'I’ve gone from a 34B to a 36E cup and Hugh thinks it’s amazing. At first, it was really hard to let my body go after being in firm control for three years, but now I’m getting used to my fuller figure.

'It feels strange to be posing in sexy lingerie as Eva Herzigova because, since I’ve been pregnant, I’ve become used to fishing out five-year-old knickers from the bottom of my underwear drawer.

'But I love it – I’ll definitely be sticking this shot [right] in the family album to show our kids.'

She added: 'I’ve really missed the gym. I feel 10 years older – my muscles have seized up and all my joints feel under pressure.

'After the birth, I’m going to dust off the cross-trainer at home and order some fitness DVDs, so I can exercise whenever I have a spare minute.'

Michelle says she is baffled how Victoria Beckham gained just one stone during her pregnancy and lost all the weight in just a couple of weeks.

She said: 'I’ll try to stick to a sensible, healthy diet and lose the baby weight that way.

'It’ll be All-Bran or Weetabix for breakfast, Ryvita with Philadelphia and ham for lunch and sweet potatoes, swede and steak for tea.'

However, like most women, she says she is feeling the effects of pregnancy hormones and says her two stone weight gain sometimes makes her feel a bit unbalanced.

Now weighing 10st 4lbs she said: 'I went through a period four months into the pregnancy when I felt really uncomfortable in my own skin and would cry about petty things.

'Hugh’s been an amazing support, but he’d bring home my favourite cakes every day, which didn’t help my body insecurities.

'One night, he brought home a slice of carrot cake and I screamed: ‘Why are you trying to make me f***ing fat?!’ while stuffing it into my mouth.

'I’ve always had problems with my weight – I’ve been on every diet under the sun and I’ve even taken diet pills in the past.

'Not being able to get my jeans past my thighs at four months pregnant was excruciating, but now I feel more womanly than ever.

'I feel maternal and, when the baby moves, I get a real sense of achievement rather than getting hung up about my weight.'