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Former Alaska Gov Sarah Palin dons fast-food red T-shirt for NBA game

By FnF Desk | PUBLISHED: 23, Mar 2013, 14:04 pm IST | UPDATED: 23, Mar 2013, 14:04 pm IST

Former Alaska Gov Sarah Palin dons fast-food red T-shirt for NBA game NY: Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin attended an NBA game in Phoenix on Friday night but instead of donning purple and orange to support the home team, she sported a T-shirt in support of Chick-fil-A.

According to the Daily Mail report, the Republican had spoken out in support of the fast food chain last year when the company publicly expressed support for groups opposed to same-sex marriage.

Looking tanned and toned, the snow bird is spending time at her home in Scottsdale while she waits out the bitterly cold winter up in her native state.

Palin was spotted wearing fashionable jeans, a silver studded black western belt and red T-shirt at the US Airways Center in downtown Phoenix, where the Suns faced off against the Minnesota Timberwolves.

The Suns lost to Minnesota 117 - 86.

The 49-year-old was seen in the Valley of the Sun this week after her appearance at CPAC on March 16 in Maryland, where she delivered a rousing speech slamming President Obama and calling on the GOP to return to their roots.

It was during her days as a FOX News commentator in 2012 that she joined the ranks of conservative bona fides in supporting Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy's decision to publicly express his views against same-sex marriage.

'I'm speaking up for him and his 1st Amendment rights and anybody else who would wish to express their not anti-gay people sentiment, but their support of traditional marriage,' Palin told FOX's Greta Van Susteren in August 2012.

After resigning from the governor's office in July 2009, Palin has spent her time promoting her two best-selling books and actively speaking on the lecture circuit.

Though Palin's home base is in Wasilla, Alaska, news broke in May 2011 that she had purchased a pad in the desert state of her former running mate, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.).

The Republican presidential nominee selected the relatively unknown Alaska governor as his vice-presidential nominee in 2008 but the pair lost to Obama/Biden.

Though the real estate deal was shrouded in secrecy, Palin reportedly purchased an 8,000-square-foot, dark-brown stucco home in the wealthy Phoenix suburb of north Scottsdale, dubbed 'Snottsdale' by Phoenicians.

The tea party darling shelled out $1.695 million in cash for the home, according to the Arizona Republic.

Palin's oldest daughter, Bristol, purchased a five-bedroom house in the town of Maricopa in 2010.

Bristol Palin, 22, reportedly paid $172,000 in cash for her Arizona property.