Kalpakkam: The 12th Batch of 29 Trainee Scientific Officers from the BARC Training School at Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR), Kalpakkam who had successfully completed their one year orientation cum training in the field of nuclear science and engineering graduated in a special ceremony that took place on 26th July, 2018.
The ceremony began with a welcome note by Dr. B. Venkatraman, Director, Resource Management and Public Awareness Group (RM&PAG). Dr. Vidhya Sundararajan, Head, Planning and Human Resource Management Division (P&HRMD) provided a brief overview about the details of the OCES programme at IGCAR.
Indicating that the Training School at IGCAR which made a humble beginning with 20 Trainees in September 2006 had grown and over the last 12 years four hundred and seventy six Trainees including the current batch have graduated from this school and have been placed in almost all the Units of DAE.
Dr. Arun Kumar Bhaduri, Distinguished Scientist and Director, IGCAR & General Service Organisation (GSO) delivered the Presidential address. He indicated that the Training School both at Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Mumbai and IGCAR, Kalpakkam have served as a cradle for human resource development in nuclear science and technology for the Department and the Country.

He highlighted the fact that in addition to the 4 disciplines viz. Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Nuclear Reactor Physics, Nuclear Fuel Cycle Chemistry, this year, orientation training in yet another discipline - Fast Reactor Engineering, to qualify and orient them to the operation and maintenance requirements of the Fast Breeder Reactors would be started.
He recorded his appreciation to all the graduates and to the Homi Bhabha toppers in the batch. While wishing them all success, he emphasized that it is only hard work that can take them ahead.
Professor M.K. Surappa, Vice-Chancellor, Anna University, Chennai was the Chief Guest and distributed the prestigious Homi Bhabha Prizes' comprising of a medallion and books to the toppers and released the souvenir featuring the training school programme during the academic year 2017-18.
Emphasizing that the young and budding scientists have more than 30 years career ahead of them, he advised them to integrate the latest technologies such as ‘Internet of Things’ and Artificial intelligence, along with the training and the knowledge gained during this educational period and focus on the challenging problems in the area of nuclear energy security and also consider application of the spin off technologies for societal areas such as potable water, agriculture, sanitation, waste management, etc.
Elucidating the visionary role of Bhabha in formulating not only the nuclear energy programme but also the basic research in the country, he indicated that Dr. Bhabha was a multi-faceted personality and students should have role models like Dr. Bhabha and Dr. G.N. Ramachandran who were jewels in the crown of Indian science and engineering.

While wishing the students all the best in their career he advised them to maintain the highest professional standards, have high moral and ethical values and good human beings. He wished them all success in their career. The graduation ceremony ended with the vote of thanks by Dr. N. Madurai Meenachi, Head, OCES-Training Section.