Monday, Mar 03rd 2025
Trending News
02, May 2018, by : Jack Thomas

WHO pollution data shows Delhi and Varanasi are among the 14 Indian cities that figured in a list of 20 most polluted cities in the world in terms of PM2.5 levels in 2016 but PM Modi's signature Ujjwala Scheme came in for rich praise in a new WHO pollution report.Read News

15, Nov 2017, by : Rajat Arora

The Delhi government has declared a medical emergency with the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) sending out alarming messages on its website, calling for states to tackle pollution on a "priority basis".Read News

14, Nov 2017, by : Rajendra Shende

Contrary to popular belief, the Kyoto Protocol is not dead. The 2012 Doha Amendment to the Kyoto Protocol extends its life as it includes the second commitment period (2012-2020) for 37 industrialised countries which took similar legally-binding commitments during the first commitment period (2008-2012).Read News

10, Sep 2017, by : Vishal Gulati

The elusive and endangered fishing cat - almost twice the size of a house cat - is under significant threat of local extinction in India and Sri Lanka, a US-based Indian biologist has warned. This species is believed to be almost extinct in Indonesia.Read News

12, Jul 2017, by : FnF Desk

Humans and wildlife species face a future of rapid decline - including the heightened possibility of mass extinction - if measures are not taken within the next 20 years to arrest "powerful assaults on biodiversity”, scientists have warned.Read News

06, Jun 2017, by : Satya Narayan Sahu

On this International Environment Day let us celebrate Indian insights and invoke them to flag our leadership at the global level.Read News

05, Jun 2017, by : FnF Desk

As the advent of the 2017 summer monsoon over mainland South Asia showed once again, Indian meteorologists have become highly accurate in their forecasts. Gone are those Jerome K. Jerome days when you left your umbrella at home if the Meteorological Department predicted rain. Read News

05, Jun 2017, by : FnF Desk

Our grandmothers may have used cloth pads, but periods are unimaginable without disposable sanitary napkins for women today. However, what doesn't occur to most of us is that over a billion of these non-compostable sanitary pads are making their way into sewerage systems. Read News

03, Jun 2017, by : Ajay Mathur

Will the US withdrawal from the Paris agreement impact Indias efforts to tackle climate change? To a limited extent, yes. Will it stop Indias actions against climate change? No.Read News

30, May 2017, by : KS Jayaraman

Scientists have found that Himalayas played a role in the generation of magnitude-9.2 Sumatran earthquake on December 26, 2004, which, together with the massive tsunami that followed, killed more than 250,000 people -- making it one of the deadliest natural disasters in history.Read News

Editor's Blog

Deportation shocker by Trump, Indians in limbo

by : Priti Prakash

The issue of deportation of Indian migrants staying illegally in the US took an emotionally charged ...

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How is the economic policy of the Modi government?

Bloggers Spot

Larger Meaning and Significance of Utkal Divas

by : Satya Narayan Sahu

Creation of Odisha as a separate State on 1st April 1936 based on language was a historic step in fu...

Conduct Rules for whom?

by : Rajeshwar Singal

This may sound like a dilemma, but it is not far from truth. Conduct Rules are meant to govern condu...

Food and Dissent: How food is related to sustainability and climate change

by : Sunita Narain

The idea of secularism is this very idea of India which respects the equality of all. Of course, wit...

Common Man and Judicial System

by : Ravi Kishore

Today every one is talking about judicial accountability i.e. how the whole system of judiciary is t...

India lacks political will to fight terrorism & corruption

by : Surya Mohan Dubey

Continuous deadly events happening every now and then prove that Indian Government has utterly faile...