Monday, Mar 31st 2025
Trending News
20, Jan 2021, by : FnF Desk

Since India gained independence in 1947, the country has been making great strides towards achieving economic autonomy, thanks to liberalization and visionary policy-making. Read News

06, Oct 2020, by : S N Sahu

Odisha's exposure to previous natural disasters meant crisis precautions were already in place and have been repurposed. The Chief Minister of State Shri Naveen Patnaik quite often invoked Ganjam Model and stressed on adopting it in other districts.Read News

02, Oct 2020, by : Satya Narayana Sahu

Truthful data on COVID infections and casualties the novel coronavirus has caused across the world is not available. This is equally true of India where accuracy of data and falsehood associated with it clouds our understanding of the magnitude of the COVID crisis and hindering formulation of effective public policies to deal the grave threat to health aRead News

01, Oct 2020, by : Satya Narayana Sahu

Just twelve days before completion of Mahatma Gandhi's 150th birth anniversary on 2nd October India witnessed three events grimly depicting  the serial demolition of justice endangering the very foundation of our nation. It is extremely worrisome that justice was being  demolished in institutions of governance of our Republic which was founded on the stRead News

11, Sep 2020, by : Satya Narayana Sahu

Swami Vivekananda's short and profound 9/11 speech stirred the Americans and he cast a spell on them and later through his numerous lectures on spirituality and Vedanta made deep impact on their minds. Read News

06, Aug 2020, by : FnF Correspondent

English rendering of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's address on the occasion of laying of foundation stone of Ram Mandir at Ram Janmabhoomi, Ayodhya.Read News

29, Oct 2018, by : FnF Correspondent

first 160 kmph capable self-propelled train set, rolls out today! Made in just 18 months, Train 18 is an engine-less train set that will replace the Delhi-Bhopal Shatabdi – India's fastest – next year. The 16 coach fully AC train set has been manufactured at ICF Chennai under Read News

17, Aug 2018, by : Haritha John

Kerala has been facing unusually high rainfall since early August, which has led to statewide floods taking several lives and causing severe damage. According to the government, there hasn't been a flood of this scale in last 90 years. The death toll as of August 16, stands at 114.Read News

30, Jul 2018, by : S N Sahu

Exemption of GST on sanitary napkins announced by the Government can be traced to wider public discourse on menstrual hygiene which during the last few years have been taking place in the wider society with greater frequency and the demand made by women, civil society and leaders of public life for making sanitary pads more accessible and affordable. Read News

04, Dec 2017, by : Saurabh Katkurwar

This is a town held sacred for its association with Hindu religious lore, which in latter days acquired the unflattering reputation of being a hotbed of Hindu-Muslim antagonism and religious-political conflict whose reverberations are felt both nationally and internationally. But what is little known, and may be even difficult to believe, is that AyodhyaRead News

Editor's Blog

Deportation shocker by Trump, Indians in limbo

by : Priti Prakash

The issue of deportation of Indian migrants staying illegally in the US took an emotionally charged ...

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How is the economic policy of the Modi government?

Bloggers Spot

Larger Meaning and Significance of Utkal Divas

by : Satya Narayan Sahu

Creation of Odisha as a separate State on 1st April 1936 based on language was a historic step in fu...

Conduct Rules for whom?

by : Rajeshwar Singal

This may sound like a dilemma, but it is not far from truth. Conduct Rules are meant to govern condu...

Food and Dissent: How food is related to sustainability and climate change

by : Sunita Narain

The idea of secularism is this very idea of India which respects the equality of all. Of course, wit...

Common Man and Judicial System

by : Ravi Kishore

Today every one is talking about judicial accountability i.e. how the whole system of judiciary is t...

India lacks political will to fight terrorism & corruption

by : Surya Mohan Dubey

Continuous deadly events happening every now and then prove that Indian Government has utterly faile...