Investment Investment is the commitment of money or capital to purchase financial instruments or other assets in order to gain profitable returns in form of interest, income, or appreciation of the value of the instrument. It is related to saving or deferring consumption. Investment is involved in many areas of the economy, such as business management and finance no matter for households, firms, or governments. An investment involves the choice by an individual or an organization such as a pension fund, after some analysis or thought, to place or lend money in a vehicle, instrument or ... Read News
by : Priti Prakash
The issue of deportation of Indian migrants staying illegally in the US took an emotionally charged ...
by : Satya Narayan Sahu
Creation of Odisha as a separate State on 1st April 1936 based on language was a historic step in fu...
by : Rajeshwar Singal
This may sound like a dilemma, but it is not far from truth. Conduct Rules are meant to govern condu...
by : Sunita Narain
The idea of secularism is this very idea of India which respects the equality of all. Of course, wit...
by : Ravi Kishore
Today every one is talking about judicial accountability i.e. how the whole system of judiciary is t...
by : Surya Mohan Dubey
Continuous deadly events happening every now and then prove that Indian Government has utterly faile...