Thursday, Mar 27th 2025
Trending News
05, Jun 2015, by : Mustafa M Khan

The sad part is that in Saudi Arabia, we are considered a burden on society. Young Saudis believe that we are here to take away their jobs. They don't realize that expatriates are the ones who built their country. Money cannot construct or run anything, you need human beings to do that. Read News

18, Feb 2014, by : Uday Dandavate

Here is a thought for those who are watching TV from home and wondering why Kejriwal government failed to govern, We live in times when most of the established parties have became a part of the corrupt system, making electoral politics a game of big money bags. Read News

12, Jun 2013, by : Uday Dandavate

As political parties make plans for rolling out their campaigns for the next Parliamentary elections, Its time for citizens to revisit our beliefs before we decide who to entrust the next five years of our future. Read News

05, Jun 2013, by : Uday Dandavate

My father spent the perid of emergency with Lal Krishna Advaniji in the Bangalore Prison and the first few months ( until he was released on parole) with Atalji. He would call Advaniji a soft spoken hard liner and Atalji a hard hitting soft liner. Even his detractors would not fault Advaniji for deviating from his hardcore beliefs ( the exception being his praising Jinnah as a secularist).Read News

11, Dec 2012, by : Uday Dandavate

India's vibrant democracy is today faced with the risk of losing its fire in the belly. Has the political process lost its intellectual vibrancy? Have leaders of existing parties become lethargic? Read News

04, Apr 2011, by : FnF desk

Remember the shoe brushing incident of Mayawati by a DSP rank police officer caught on TV in the aforesaid action. Hundreds of comments, satires, jokes and many more forms of expressions were abuzz online on the incident. We bring for you one such letter written for the Police officer that makes an interesting reading.Read News

Editor's Blog

Deportation shocker by Trump, Indians in limbo

by : Priti Prakash

The issue of deportation of Indian migrants staying illegally in the US took an emotionally charged ...

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Bloggers Spot

Larger Meaning and Significance of Utkal Divas

by : Satya Narayan Sahu

Creation of Odisha as a separate State on 1st April 1936 based on language was a historic step in fu...

Conduct Rules for whom?

by : Rajeshwar Singal

This may sound like a dilemma, but it is not far from truth. Conduct Rules are meant to govern condu...

Food and Dissent: How food is related to sustainability and climate change

by : Sunita Narain

The idea of secularism is this very idea of India which respects the equality of all. Of course, wit...

Common Man and Judicial System

by : Ravi Kishore

Today every one is talking about judicial accountability i.e. how the whole system of judiciary is t...

India lacks political will to fight terrorism & corruption

by : Surya Mohan Dubey

Continuous deadly events happening every now and then prove that Indian Government has utterly faile...