Thursday, Mar 13th 2025
Trending News
25, Feb 2022, by : FnF Correspondent

women studied, 52.2 per cent were found to have FPHL. The prevalence of FPHL increased with age. Low self-esteem was detected in 60 per cent of participants and increased with the severity of FPHL.The researchers additionally noted that a high body mass index (obesity) was associated with an increased prevalence and worsening of FPHL in postmenopausal women. Read News

30, Nov 2021, by : Priti

The Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates to India Dr Ahmed Albanna addressed a virtual interaction recently on Gender Equality and Women's Economic Empowerment with a group of women facilitated by Sanchita Mitra, National Coordinator for SEWA Bharat.Read News

03, Jul 2021, by : FnF Correspondent

Earlier, in April the Child and Family Welfare Department have done campaigns to create awareness and quash the misconceptions that women on periods shouldn't get inoculated. The government also debunked the theories that circulated on social media which said womenRead News

15, Apr 2021, by : FnF Correspondent

In a hilarious incident, a Taiwanese man eyeing more leaves at work went to the extent of marrying the same spouse four times and divorced thrice in a 37-day period in 2020 to be able to claim 32 days marriage leave. committee said, in case of dissatisfaction, the company can claim abuse of rights and issue written warnings, but it is liable to first give leave, and keep meditating through the "Labor Incident Law,” or conduct civil litigation. Read News

08, Mar 2021, by : FnF Correspondent

*No matter how tough the situation would be, your inspiring words always lift me up. Happy Women's Day. *You are fierce, bold, and daring! Also, the best when it comes to caring. Happy Women's Day! Read News

08, Mar 2021, by : Satya Narayana Sahu

This year the BJD Government has decided to make Mission Shakti a separate Department of the Government and thereby investing it with huge importance for carrying forward the SHG movement and realising the vision of Naveen Patnaik who has the courage of conviction to interrogate patriarchy and strive for achieving gender equality, women's empowerment and greater representation of women in the Lok Sabha and State AsseRead News

27, Jun 2020, by : Priti Prakash

Can essential oils lift your mood and make you feel good with just a whiff of their fragrance! So Aromatherapist says. Can they help with the present day Covid stress! It is no surprise that a skilled Aromatherapist can concoct combinations of oils to reduce road rage, reduce fatigue and improve concentration while driving, reduces the level of frustration encountered in traffic and also heightens alertness.Read News

15, Oct 2019, by : Seema Gupta

In a country such as ours which is on a steady path of development and with existence of stringent laws such as the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006, the Compulsory Registration of Marriage Bill 2005, one would naturally assume that Child marriages as a phenomenon would cease to exist. Read News

27, Aug 2019, by : Priti

UAE celebrates Emirati Women's Day on 28th August, an annual event that celebrates inspiring Emirati women, supported by the government. This years celebrations will be held under the theme, "Women are the Icons of Tolerance," to promote the values of tolerance, which is a national priority. Read News

10, Nov 2018, by : FnF Correspondent

The researchers say they do not know why these factors are sex-specific, and no firm conclusions can be drawn about cause and effect, but they do have some theories.Women who smoked were three times more likely to have a heart attack than women who did not smoke Read News

Editor's Blog

Deportation shocker by Trump, Indians in limbo

by : Priti Prakash

The issue of deportation of Indian migrants staying illegally in the US took an emotionally charged ...

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How is the economic policy of the Modi government?

Bloggers Spot

Larger Meaning and Significance of Utkal Divas

by : Satya Narayan Sahu

Creation of Odisha as a separate State on 1st April 1936 based on language was a historic step in fu...

Conduct Rules for whom?

by : Rajeshwar Singal

This may sound like a dilemma, but it is not far from truth. Conduct Rules are meant to govern condu...

Food and Dissent: How food is related to sustainability and climate change

by : Sunita Narain

The idea of secularism is this very idea of India which respects the equality of all. Of course, wit...

Common Man and Judicial System

by : Ravi Kishore

Today every one is talking about judicial accountability i.e. how the whole system of judiciary is t...

India lacks political will to fight terrorism & corruption

by : Surya Mohan Dubey

Continuous deadly events happening every now and then prove that Indian Government has utterly faile...