By FnF Correspondent | PUBLISHED: 28, Sep 2013, 13:09 pm IST | UPDATED: 28, Sep 2013, 13:53 pm IST
Ghaziabad: The spirit of entrepreneurship and focus on leadership can help India come out of the challenges of uncertainties and volatility said Dr. Arup Roy Choudhury CMD NTPC addressing students at IMT Ghaziabad while delivering The Fifth Mahendra Nath Memorial Lecture on “Changing Role of Management Education in Nation-Building”.Dr. Bibek Banerjee, Director , IMT and Dr. S. Bhattacharyya, Program Chairperson, IMT were present.
Appreciating the youthful audience, Dr. Roy Choudhury said opportunity to address young minds on whose fresh energy and hard work rests the future of our society is a blessing. Calling students as builders of tomorrow’s India he shared with them his Guruji’s message Sankalp Shuddha Hi Siddha, meaning- if your intentions are pure, you are bound to succeed in life which he felt was relevant for all.
He spoke about nation-building as the key concept behind management education by detailing some fundamentals of management with Indian characteristics on the occasion.
He asked the students to follow and learn from the life of the founder of the institution Shri Mahendra Nath a person known for tremendous entrepreneurial drive and leadership qualities.
by : Priti Prakash
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