Kiss of Love: Kerala Police under fire for cracking down on protestors
By FnF Correspondent | PUBLISHED: 03, Nov 2014, 12:34 pm IST | UPDATED: 03, Nov 2014, 12:34 pm IST
Thiruvananthapuram: Kerala Police is under fire for the way it handled the 'Kiss of Love' protest at Kochi's Marine Drive on Sunday.
Although the event organisers have not complained against the police, regional news channels have been critical of them.
Police lathicharged the supporters and even took protestors into "preventive custody". ADGP, South Zone justified the police action saying the situation was handled in the best way possible.
"They allowed all protests to take place. We cannot stop the public from coming to Marine Drive. They were not coming as organised group but in ones and twos in buses, two wheels and cars from various places. The organisers themselves had asked for police protection. The situation would have been worse, if we have not taken them into preventive detention," he said.
Huge crowds turned up at Kochi's Marine Drive against moral policing by right-wing groups.
The event has been facing severe opposition from both hardline Muslim and Hindu groups in Kerala. The ruling Congress party's students union, KSU, also came out against the event.
The event was organised after right-wing group ransacked a restaurant in Kochi alleging that couples were found kissing inside.