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Indian Women's Press Corp's 22 years: Women journos celebrate with music & a starry show

By FnF Correspondent | PUBLISHED: 08, Nov 2016, 20:47 pm IST | UPDATED: 08, Nov 2016, 21:26 pm IST

Indian Women's Press Corp's 22 years: Women journos celebrate with music & a starry show New Delhi: Marking 22 significant years of journalistic journey and working in the direction of empowering women thinktanks, Indian Women’s Press Corps celebrated its annual cultural event at a starry ceremony at Kamani Auditorium in New Delhi. A special musical evening was crafted in collaboration with Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR). A rich diversity of Indian music – folk, ghazal and classical form made the audience go swinging and swooning over each number.

The programme started with the lighting of the customary lamp. IWPC annual soveneir was released by the Cheif guest Dr Najma Heptullah, Governor of Manipur and other renowned dignitaries. Kathak Samrat Pandit Birju Maharaj and much acclaimed musician Ustad Shujaat Khan were guests of honour.

Well aware of the challenging conditions and times in the life of a journalist particularly women journalists, Dr Najma Heptullah, said that women have made a mark in various fields and more so in journalism where they are reporting from dangerous terrains like battle fields, war zones and disaster sites. She lauded the role of media saying that women bring a sense of dedication and sensitivity to the profession.

The audience couldn't have asked for anything better. The evening saw the performances of acclaimed ghazal singers Ahmed Hussain and Mohammed Hussain from Jaipur. Winners of Sangeeth Natak Academy award in 2000 Hussain brothers have built their reputation in their unique style of ghazal rendition in duet form.

Folk artists Langa Manganiyar from Jaiselmer, Rajasthan, usually picturized silhouetted against the backdrop of golden sand dunes of the desert, not just made people rise from their seats to their high decibal and energy infectious Rajasthani folk songs but the women folk dancers too gave jaw dropping performances on Tera Taal, Gorband, Ghumar and the magical nine matka dance in amazingly colourful Rajasthani Lehnga Odnis. Their lead singer Hayat Mohmmed Langa brought earthy sound and smells of the Rajasthan's deserts through his folk renditions. The Langa troupe has performed far and wide in the world. Priya Kanungo rendered classical bhajan and old time songs in her mellifluous voice taking us back to Meera and Sehgal days.

In the curtain raiser the ICCR Director General Amarendra Khatua emphasised the need of his organization’s (ICCRs) synergy with the media in promoting culture. The partnership with IWPC is the right step in that direction, he said. He hoped that media in general would treat culture and the arts a priority area and be an effective tool in its dissemination. Culture he added, “is what unifies a diverse nation like India and the more it is tapped the more feeling of ‘Indianness’ will abound.