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Journalists bodies condenm killing of Tripura reporter, pass resolution at protest meet

By FnF Correspondent | PUBLISHED: 23, Sep 2017, 17:51 pm IST | UPDATED: 28, Sep 2017, 13:58 pm IST

Journalists bodies condenm killing of Tripura reporter, pass resolution at protest meet New Delhi: Shantanu Bhowmik, a TV journalist, reporting a rally in Tripura was killed by unknown assailants. Recent spate of journalists killings, Gauri Lankesh being the latest, has sent alarming signals on the right to freedom of expression vouched by our Constitution. Journalists bodies met to express concern on this trend of silencing scribes who either courageously speak against the system or try to bring out the truth uncomfortable to some few. Press Club of India, Indian Women's Press Corps, Press Association, Federation of Press Clubs of India, President, North-East Media Forum came together to pass a resolution in the direction of safeguarding freedom of expression and upholding the right to speak out.     

In view of the unceasing attacks on journalists in the form of murderous assaults, threats of physical harm, threats of violence in the social media, rampant misogyny, and retrenchment the meeting resolved the following:
1. The attacks on journalists is a worrying trend and unacceptable in a democracy like ours. We demand that concerned state governments take exemplary and time bound action under Indian laws against those involved in intimidating and killing journalists.

2. As the majority of journalists are without any social security benefits like pension or health insurance, and many of whom are sole bread earners in their families, we demand that state governments establish journalist welfare funds to meet the conditions of precarious employment, social and health security of journalists.

3. In view of increasing misogyny and abuse in the social media bordering on abuse, we demand that concerned governments identify and take swift action against those posting threatening messages.

4. In view of growing attacks on journalists and attempts to polarise journalists, we urge the journalist community to be vigilant against divisive forces and remain united in the interests of strengthening Indian democracy and the freedom of the press.

5. The meeting resolves to organise a peaceful dharna on October 2 in defence of the rights of journalists.