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'UN Member states reposing greater confidence and faith in functioning of the ICJ than ever before' says Judge Dalveer Bhandari

By FnF Correspondent | PUBLISHED: 11, Jan 2018, 18:03 pm IST | UPDATED: 11, Jan 2018, 18:16 pm IST

'UN Member states reposing greater confidence and faith in functioning of the ICJ than ever before' says Judge Dalveer Bhandari The Hague: A reception in honour of Judge Dalveer Bhandari of the International Court of Justice (ICJ)  (who was re-elected recently for a fresh term from 2018-2026) was hosted by Venu Rajamony, Ambassador of India to the Kingdom of the Netherlands on January 10, 2018 at the iconic Peace Palace in The Hague

During his address at the event, Judge Dalveer Bhandari conveyed gratitude for the wholehearted support received in the elections and emphasised on the need for greater mutual cooperation and goodwill with increased global interdependence.

Speaking on the objectives and importance of the ICJ, he said “The work of the court is increasing day by day which shows that member states are now reposing much greater confidence and faith in the functioning of the court than ever before” He urged all countries to make serious efforts in ensuring that peace is not disturbed in any part of the world and appealed to UN member nations to accelerate its efforts in ensuring peace and amity worldwide.

Mr Rajamony on behalf of the Government of India thanked everybody for the overwhelming support extended to the candidature of Justice Bhandari. The Ambassador described this as reflection of the worldwide respect and affection for the Indian people and acknowledgement of India as the largest democracy in the world with a sound Constitution and robust legal system which ensures justice for its 1.3 billion people in every nook and corner of the country. He said the personal credentials of Judge Bhandari and his qualities of head and heart also played a major role in his re-election.

Around 150 members of the diplomatic community in the Netherlands including Mr Rabin Baldewsingh, Acting Mayor of the City of The Hague, Mr Marten Van den Berg Director General, Foreign Economic Relations of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassadors of various countries stationed in The Hague and prominent members of the Indian community attended the reception.