By FnF Correspondent | PUBLISHED: 15, Apr 2021, 20:12 pm IST | UPDATED: 15, Apr 2021, 20:12 pm IST
In a hilarious incident, a Taiwanese man eyeing more leaves at work went to the extent of marrying the same spouse four times and divorced thrice in a 37-day period in 2020 to be able to claim 32 days marriage leave.
The identity of the man is not revealed, but he works as a clerk at a bank in Taipei, as per the Taiwan English News report.
A lawyer called Lin posted about this bizarre case on his Facebook page, where the bank was issued a fine for only paying for the mandatory eight days leave for the first marriage.
According to the lawyer, the clerk registered marriage on April 6, 2020, after which he applied for eight days of leave from April 7 to 16.
However, the man immediately divorced the spouse and registered a new marriage with the same person on April 17.
After completion of eight days of marriage leave, the clerk yet again divorced on April 28 to get remarried on April 29 while the third divorce took place on May 11, followed by a fourth marriage to the same spouse on May 12.
However, the bank became aware of his actions called the act a 'malicious abuse of marriage leave'. The bank only paid leave for the first marriage.
Later, the clerk went on to file a complaint with the Taipei City Labor Bureau, who subsequently fined the bank NT$20,000 (Rs 52,800) for not paying leave for the four marriages, as per the report.
In retaliation, the bank again appealed with the Appeal’s Committee citing that the employee’s abuse of marriage leave was not in compliance with the Labor Standards Act. In its investigation, the appeals committee found that the Labor Bureau in its clarification didn’t specify if the bank employee had abused his rights and violated the principle of good faith. Hence, it asked to revoke the original sanction and make a new sanction within 60 days.
The committee said, in case of dissatisfaction, the company can claim abuse of rights and issue written warnings, but it is liable to first give leave, and keep meditating through the “Labor Incident Law,” or conduct civil litigation.
by : Priti Prakash
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