By FnF Correspondent | PUBLISHED: 06, Jul 2021, 14:35 pm IST | UPDATED: 06, Jul 2021, 14:35 pm IST
New Delhi: The corona death toll is going to be 40 lakhs worldwide. In India too, 4 lakh people have died due to corona so far. America has recorded the highest number of deaths due to corona. Corona has killed 6.21 lakh people in America the highest number of deaths recorded so far. Meanwhile, America's chief epidemiologist Dr. Anthony Fauci said that 99.2 percent of those who died of corona recently included those who did not get the corona vaccine.
Dr. Anthony Fauci said that it was very sad as these deaths could have been avoided. He said in NBC's Meet the Press program that, "it is very disappointing that you have a terrible enemy in the form of coronavirus, you also have its cure, which is effective but sadly it is not being implemented across the country. If the vaccine had come ahead of time, there would not have been so many deaths in the world."
Fauci cited the reasons for opposition to the vaccine by some Americans, saying that some ideologists are anti-vaccine or anti-science. He asked the people to understand that the virus is everyone's enemy. Fauci said that America is fortunate to have enough vaccine doses and added that there is enough vaccine for the entire American population. He said that many people around the world are willing to do anything to get the vaccine.
America's death toll the highest
Corona has killed most people in America. So far 39.94 lakh people have died all over the world. Of these, 6,21,293 people have died due to corona in America alone. America is the most affected country in the world in terms of the corona. So far 3.45 crore people have been infected with the corona in America. Even today there are more than 40 lakh active cases of corona in America.
by : Priti Prakash
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