By Fnf correspondent | PUBLISHED: 03, May 2024, 18:09 pm IST | UPDATED: 03, May 2024, 18:09 pm IST
The company said, "The group has made enormous progress under the stewardship of Mr. Singhania and his vision is to take the Raymond Brand from being amongst the most respected Indian brands to being amongst the best in the global markets,".
Despite the controversy, Raymond Ltd. emphasised Gautam Singhania's accomplishments and leadership skills in the regulatory filing that announced his re-appointment. Nawaz Modi, who is seeking 75 percent of Gautam Singhania's total net worth as part of the divorce settlement has mentioned that she wants 25 percent of that to go to her daughters.
by : Priti Prakash
The issue of deportation of Indian migrants staying illegally in the US took an emotionally charged ...