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Pension Rule Change For Retiring Central Government Employees

By Fnf correspondent | PUBLISHED: 18, Nov 2024, 16:05 pm IST | UPDATED: 18, Nov 2024, 16:05 pm IST

Pension Rule Change For Retiring Central Government Employees New Delhi: The Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare, under the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances, and Pensions, has issued new notification for Retiring Central Government Employees regarding the submission of pension cases for Central Government retiring officers.

The latest notification states that the pension case of a Government servant shall be processed through online mode and the retiring officials shall submit Form 6-A through Bhavishya/e- HRMS. This new Form 6-A is scheduled to come into force after 120 days from the date of notification i.e. 16.11.2024.

The new Form 6-A has been incorporated into Bhavishya and e-HRMS 2.0 and will be accessible to retiring Central Government employees w.e.f. 06.11.2024. Consequently, the retiring Central Government employees, are henceforth, required to fill out the new Single Pension Application Form 6-A exclusively through the online mode on Bhavishya or e- HRMS 2.0.

Notably, Union Minister Jitendra Singh had launched the new simplified pension application form for retiring central government employees. The new Form 6A combines nine different forms into one form which makes the process easier and more efficient for retirees. 

Bhavishya is an initiative of Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare, which is launched with the goal to ensure payment of all retirement dues and delivery of Pension Payment Order (PPO) to retiring employees on the day of retirement itself.

The system provides online tracking of pension sanction and payment process by the individual as well as the administrative authorities for all actions preparatory to grant pension and other retirement benefits as well as payment of monthly pension after retirement. The system also allows individuals to download ePPO.

eHRMS is referred to as the electronic Human Resource Management System which has details including service records of government employees. Form simplification has been an important initiative of the Centre's "maximum governance-minimum government" policy.

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