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World Odisha Society: Kishore Dwibedi Elected Chairman,Nalini Pati, Rupa Dash and Pradeep Rath Elected Vice-Chairmen

By Fnf Correspondent | PUBLISHED: 01, Jan 2025, 12:15 pm IST | UPDATED: 01, Jan 2025, 12:15 pm IST

World Odisha Society: Kishore Dwibedi Elected Chairman,Nalini Pati, Rupa Dash and Pradeep Rath Elected Vice-Chairmen
New Delhi: New Office Bearers of World Odisha Society (WOS) have been elected in an online voting system. Senior Journalist Kishore Dwibedi unanimously re elected as the Chairman of this apex association of Worldwide Odias Diaspora. Former President of Australian Odia Samaj (ORIOZ INC.) Dr. Nalini Pati, Former President of Odia Samaj, Abu Dhabi Pradeep Rath and Chairman of World Woman Foundation Rupa Dash got elected unopposed as three Vice Chairmen of WOS. Former General Secretary of Odisha Samaj U.K. Siba Ranjan Biswal has been re elected as Secretary General of WOS. Saswat Padhi, President of Odia Socio Cultural Association, Netherlands and Dr. Sitanshu Sekhar Nanda from South Korea will be two Joint Secretary Generals.President of Russian Odia Samaj Santosh Mishra got elected as the International Convenor of WOS. The Newly formed Seven Members Presidium include Amiya Mishra from UAE, Ajay Kumar Das from Saudi Arabia, Deepak Das from Ghana, Debarshi Mallick from Mumbai, Badri Mahapatra from Ahmedabad, Anup Satpathy from Gorakhpur and Jugesh Suna from Guwahati. Akshay Mohanty from USA and Banojini Nayak from USA got re elected as International Co-ordinator and Joint Co-ordinator respectively. Kolkata based Pradeep Mohapatra and Laxmi Narayan Mishra from Bengaluru would be WOS’s National Co-ordinator and Joint National Co-ordinator respectively. Pritish Dash continues to be the Prime Mentor of this World body. The newly elected Six General Secretaries of WOS are Biswabhushan Sahoo from USA, Dr Rajinder Singh from U.K., Umakant Jena from New Delhi, Anindita Das from Bhubaneswar, Pushpanjali Barik from New Delhi and Bijay Sahu from Tanzania. While Sushant Panda from Bhubaneswar got re elected  as Treasurer, Susanta Choudhury from Dubai would be the New Joint Treasurer of WOS. New Delhi based noted C.A. Sudhir Dash would be WOS’s Auditor. The Newly elected office Bearers will hold their official positions for a term of three years.
New Delhi based Gajendra Sahoo would be General Secretary in charge of Organisation and Abhilash Nanda from Rwanda and Prem Nepak from Newzealand would be two Joint General Secretaries to support him. Internationally renowned Neuro Surgeon Dr. Pratap Pani from Bengaluru would be the General Secretary, Wellness of WOS. Dr. Ashok Chowdhury from New Delhi and Dr. Snigdha Mishra from Malaysia would be Joint General Secretaries of Wellness Department.
The followings would be the other office Bearers of WOS. Deepak Sahu (New Delhi) General Secretary, IT, Anjan Kumar Panda (USA) and Asutosh Das (Bengaluru) Joint General Secretaries, IT. Krupanidhi Biswal (Bhubaneswar) General Secretary PR & Protocol, Pritam Nayak (New Delhi) and Suchismita Prusti (Bhubaneswar) Joint General Secretaries PR & Protocol. Kaveri Behera (New Delhi) General Secretary, Culture, Barta Pattnaik (Australia) and Dr. Bijayashree Samal(Switzerland) Joint General Secretaries, Culture. Pabitra Maharatha (Bhubaneswar) General Secretary Mother Tongue Promotion, Tushar Mishra ( Kuwait) and Binay Pattanayak (Ranchi) Joint General Secretaries, Mother Tongue Promotion. Ram Krishna Dash (Bhubaneswar) General Secretary ECO, Madhusudan Mishra (Puri) and B.B.Gadnayak (Rwanda) Joint General Secretaries, ECO, Prashanta Bhuyan (Canada) General Secretary, Cuisine, Binapani Sahu(Titlagarh) and Mitasmita Jena Bal (Chennai) Joint General Secretaries, Cuisine. Dr Renuka Jena (U.K.) General Secretary Brand Promotion, Sanjay Das (Zimbabwe) and Giridhari Nayak (Bhubaneswar) Joint General Secretaries, Brand Promotion. Dr. Sagar Ranjan Tripathy (Brahmapur) General Secretary, Spiritual, Ramchandra BadaPanda (Puri) and Priya Mishra ( Australia) Joint General Secretaries, Spiritual.
Editor of Sree Sahitya Krushna Nayak got reelected as Chief Media  Co-ordinator of WOS. Senior Journalist from New Delhi Prabhati Nayak and Dubai based Sudhashree Dash got reelected as two Joint Media Co-ordinators. Senior Advocate of Supreme Court Sasmita Tripathy from New Delhi would be WOS’s new Chief Spokesperson. Other Five Members of Spokespersons Panel include Kunna Dash from Japan, Sanjeev Patnaik from Chennai, Vinayak Das from New Delhi, Jayashree Mohapatra from Puri and Manoj Nayak from Bhubaneswar.
Kolkata based veteran Literateur Pitambar Barik would be the Editor of Publication wing of WOS. The five members Associate Editors would be Dr. Tanmay Panda from Canada, Dr. Anita Panda from New Delhi, Dr. Suniti Mund and Jitu Mishra from Bhubaneswar and Sukanti Rout from Jajpur .Leading Legal luminaries like Ajit Patra from Koraput and Prasanta Kumar Sahoo from Bhubaneswar would be legal advisers of WOS.  Abani Sahu from New Delhi and Suchismita Bhuyan Nayak from USA would be International Legal Advisers. Canada Based Dr. Sunanda Mishra Panda got re elected as the President of WOS’s Women Wing. The other elected Office Bearers of women’s wing include Dr. Pravati Panigrahi from Australia and Reeta Patra from New Delhi as Vice Presidents, Dr. Chidatmika Khatua from Bhubaneswar as General Secretary and Dr. Sagarika Verma from New Delhi and Seemita Sarangi from Bengaluru as Joint General Secretaries. Famous Tennis Player cum Coach Dilip Mohanty from New Delhi would be General Secretary Sports, Ashok Das (Kolkata ) and Dinabandhu Behera (Netherlands) would be Joint General Secretaries, Sports, Hari Patnaik (Bhubaneswar)got re elected as General Secretary, Fitness of WOS. Susanta Chand from New Delhi and Niharika Dash (UAE) got elected as Joint General Secretaries Fitness. Surya Mohapatra from Bengaluru would be General Secretary Intellectual Cell. Alpana Patnaik from New Delhi and Dr Tapan Kumar Mohanta (Oman) would be Joint General Secretaries Intellectual Cell.  Siddharth Das (Abu Dhabi) got elected as General Secretary Labour Affairs. Ramakant Pradhan (New Delhi) and Basudeb Jena (Bhubaneswar) would be Joint General Secretaries, Labour Affairs.Renowned Industrialist Brahma Mishra (Bhubaneswar) got elected as General Secretary Corporate Affairs & Investment Cell. Sunil Rout (Bhubaneswar) and Alok Routray (Thane) would be Joint General Secretaries, Corporate Affairs and Investment Cell. Dr Bhagyashree Singh (UK) got elected as General Secretary, International Relations. Amit Rawal (Germany) and Samay Sahoo(USA) would be Joint General Secretaries, International Relations. Dr Sital Pal Babu (Myanmar) got elected as General Secretary Travel and Tourism. Paramananda Mohapatra (Vietnam) and Dr Sarojini Pany (Bhubaneswar) would be Joint Gneral Secretaries Travel and Tourism. Youth Icon Ram Prasad Mohanty from Australia would be the Mentor of Youth Wing of WOS. The Youth Team consists of Svetlana Nanda from U.K., Nandan Dwibedi from New Delhi and Amrit Bahinipati from U.A.E. Kaveri Behera will hold additional charge of General Secretary, Office Administration.Banojini Nayak and Basudeb Jena will also hold additional responsibilities of Joint General Secretaries, Office Administration. Returning Officer Sudhir Dash supervised the smooth conduction of the poll on digital platform and announced the result. Eminent Social Activist Dr Arundhati Debi, Jajpur MP Dr Rabindra Narayan Behera and USA based Ace Entrepreneur Dhirndra Kar are Founder, Patron and Adviser of WOS Respectively.
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