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Literature can change the society: Mr Noor

By Sujata Shiven | PUBLISHED: 08, Oct 2010, 16:38 pm IST | UPDATED: 08, Oct 2010, 21:37 pm IST

Literature can change the society: Mr Noor

Prof. Sutinder Singh Noor was born in October 5, 1940 in Kotkapura, Punjab. Have Doctorate in 1976, Double  post graduate in English and Punjabi, have more than 37 years of  Teaching Experience. Retd. as a Professor, from Department of Punjabi, University of Delhi, Delhi.

Guiding more than 30 Research scholar who have been awarded the degree of Ph.D. He was Head of Punjabi Department, University of Delhi in 1991-1994.

Noted writer, Poet, known Critic, Academician and  translator Mr Noor at present Deputy President of country's prestigious literary organization  'Sahitya Academy'.

Here is one to one interaction with Sujata Shiven for FnF.  

Q. When did you commence your literary journey?

Ans. I started my literary journey from my childhood.  But my first poem was published in 1954 when I was only 14 years and after that continuously I have written poetry, short story, literary criticism and have translated some significant poets.

Q. Who is your favorite contemporary writer?

Ans. My favorite contemporary writers are in so many languages but I like most Octavio Paz.

Q. Other than Punjabi which Indian language literature inspires you?

Ans. I read literature of other languages in translation.  These days Manipuri poetry inspires me, drama in Marathi and Novel in Bengali and Malayalam.

Q. Do you feel writer is weighed down by its reader’s expectations?

Ans.  We have various kinds of readers and their expectations are of different kinds but the writer should be sincere to his own experience and must be conscious about the form and thematics of literature.

Q. Do you think that you will be able to bring about change in the society that you are working for and writing on?

Ans. The literature can change the society and the writer is always conscious about this responsibility but for this purpose the literature should not become propaganda. Literature has its own aesthetics but with social awareness.

Q. What is your opinion about the quality or translation work in recent times?

Ans. Translation is very important to promote our literature.  This is the age of translation.  I am satisfied with the quality of translation in recent times because now we have become conscious about it.  But we should be conscious more about the quality.

Q. What are you working on present? And what is it about?

Ans. I am working on literary autobiography and some analysis of medieval literature.  But I am also working on the problematics of modern literary theory and poetics.

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Writer in Spotlight: Dr. Sutinder Singh Noor

Writer's Work: Let the poem grow within you!