By Prof. Sutinder Singh Noor | PUBLISHED: 08, Oct 2010, 17:47 pm IST | UPDATED: 08, Oct 2010, 18:40 pm IST
1- Let the poem grow within you!
Within you
Let the poem grow
Like a tree
And let the tree talk to
The wind,the sunshine
The falling rains
The storms
Let the birds get lost
In the hollows of trees
To chirp there and
Make their nests.
Within you
Let the poem grow
Like a wild flower
Which looks up to
The sky
Blooms fragrantly
Breathes free air
Subservient to none
And in the wilds
Hails the caravan
Miles away..
Within you
Let the poem grow
Like the Sun
Which in no time
Spreads over the
Woods, the flora
The rivers and seas
Holding fire in its breast
Talking to the cosmos
Beam by beam
Wends its way.
Within you
Let the poem grow
Like the moon-lit night
In whose sweet rhythm
We get wet upto our soul
Spread up to the horizons
In the silent dark night
The goblets of fair beams
Do we drink deep upto
The dark nooks of the heart.
Within you,
Let the poem grow
Like a tree
Like a wild flower
Like the Sun
And like the
Moonlit night.
2. Love and the book
Between making love
And reading a book
There is no difference.
The front page of
Some books we see
And when bored
We turn pages
And keep them aside.
Near the pillow
Some books we keep
And waking up suddenly
We begin to glean.
Every word of
Some books we read
Get lost in them
Again and again we read
Assimilating soulfully.
Marks of many colour
On some books we make
Get charmed with every line
Of some books,
We even fear making a mark!
Between making love
And reading a book
There is no difference.
3. Do not wait so long
Do not wait so long
Wait leads to more wait
And one gets trapped
In the net of wait.
Do not fear so much
That fear takes root
Within you fearfully
And you may become
More horrible than fear
And fear may
Begin to fear you.
Do not be so truthful
That truth may lose its hue
And beyond truth
There may be nothing to say.
It is good to dwell in houses
But don't get so settled therein
That dwelling alone may
Begin to dwell in the house
And you may tend to forget the
Dwellings away from the houses.
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